"THRIVE at the Journey; THRIVE at Family; and THRIVE at Helping People."

Chad Winterhof

THRIVING at Brain Cancer Together
chad headshot

Chad Battles Glioblastoma with Integrity while Helping Others

No One Fights Alone

Chad was determined to overcome standard brain cancer statistics and live life to its fullest. After aggressive treatments, Chad constantly challenged doctors and teams on how not to just survive - but THRIVE! In a race against time, and poor prognosis predictions - Chad worked hard and quickly to prolong his own life, as well as others fighting Glioblastoma (GBM), and other forms of brain cancer.

Glioblastoma is described as the most lethal and aggressive brain cancer. It is one of the most complex, deadly, and treatment-resistant cancers. According to National Brain Tumor Society, the 5-year survival rate for GBM is only 6.8%, and the average length of survival for GBM is estimated to be only 8 months. Despite decades of research, GBM advances have remains limited and underfunded (funds are needed).

The grim reality GBM brings did not stopped Chad. Upon asking several questions early in his diagnosis, fate connected him with a research team at University of Iowa. Chad had the expertise and experience they needed to build a new medical device called, "The Golden Halo," that uses energy as treatment to disrupt cancerous growth. After other GBM treatments were exhausted, Chad was the first human GBM patient to use The Golden Halo as experimental brain cancer treatment. He believed this kept his cancer stable longer, as well as enabled him to prolong, survive and THRIVE at life! See Chad's timeline below.

Chad passed away in October 2023. His work, compassion and legacy continues to live on through THRIVE... and we hope you will continue along side us in helping others going through their own GBM journeys. This fight is far from over, and together we can make a difference.

Chad's GBM Timeline

  • March 2021

    Surgery and GBM brain cancer diagnosis.

  • November 2021

    Completes GBM standard care of treatment that includes daily radiation and chemotherapy for 6 weeks.

  • August 2021

    Optune tumor treating fields therapy begins.

  • July 2022

    First signs of progression. Optune tumor treating fields end. Begins Clinical Trial OKN007 w/Temodar Chemo (Lasts for ~30 days).

  • October 2022

    High-dose radiation in 5 days that results in rebound inflammation and left-side weakness. Avastin infusions and Keytruda immunotherapy begin.

  • January 2023

    Avastin & Keytruda treatment ends. Golden Halo approved and built for Compassionate Use Case. Treatment begins.

  • May 2023

    Chad announces at "THRIVE Walk to Cure Brain Cancer," his tumors have shrunk after using The Golden Halo.

  • Spring & Summer 2023

    Chad's cancer remains stable.

  • September 2023

    Chad ends Golden Halo Treatment.

  • October 2023

    Chad passes away surrounded by his loving family.

Chad's Story & Mission

GBM Impact

Beginning of Brain Cancer Diagnosis

In March of 2021, Chad was diagnosed with a grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), just two days after he turned 43 years old. Chad had only had a few days worth of dizziness as a symptom. Within hours of the CT scan, he had brain surgery and immediately had to start learning how to walk, talk and do things independently again. He spent 6 days in the hospital and then 7 days in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit. The staff were impressed and extremely moved by his motivation and what he was able to accomplish during this time. 

The fact is, Chad was told on multiple occasions that this disease is one of the very worst. There is no cure and no effective treatment. The average life expectancy is about 33 months with Chad's biomarkers. Chad challenged his doctors to look for every possible option, no matter how difficult to get.

Teaming Up with Research

This passion for life opened up an opportunity and introduction to a research team at the University of Iowa, Calvin Carter, PhD and Sunny Huang, MD. They had found some interesting vulnerabilities in cell metabolism with exposure to electromagnetic and radio frequency. They were recruited to research this technology in GBM. This just so happened to be Chad’s wheelhouse. He is a guy who also likes to solve hard problems. This combination led to making Calvin and Sunny’s idea into a prototype. 

Most ideas or new medicines often take an average of 10-15 years to go from concept to reality. Chad assisted this team to bringing their idea into an actual prototype to be used on humans within about 13 months! This is faster than 99% of all other clinical trials. Chad created an awareness walk called “THRIVE, Walk with Chad” and we raised over $200k in three years. 

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Seeking Treatment

Chad’s cancer remained stable during his Standard of Care (SOC) treatment through November 2021. Chad continued to THRIVE until July 2022 when he had a scan that revealed some progression including a new growth spot. He began a new clinical trial with a drug called OKN007 in combo with Temodar. That only lasted 30 days, and the tumors continued to rapidly grow. In October of 2022, Chad’s next move was to get high dose focused radiation over a 5-day period. He had rebound inflammation and experienced left side weakness. A later dose of Avastin resolved this issue until about January of 2023. Keytruda was also used at this time as it has some found benefit in patients with IDH1 Wildtype, Chad’s genetic mutant tumor marker.

Remembering Chad

In January 2023, Chad had left side deficiencies again that this time, Avastin could not fix. He continues to do PT and OT to help with strength. He was finally offered an opportunity to use the device he helped develop. The journey came full circle. He battled to make the device named The Golden Halo a reality, and was the first human to get to test it out. He received this treatment and slept in the energy field 7-9 hours every night. He remained stable for months. The treatment team still has high hopes for what is yet to come in the future prolonging the lives of those battling brain cancer. 

THRIVING for 2+ years with GBM, Chad was considered a "long-term survivor!" Since diagnosis, Chad amazingly worked full time (minus a couple short stents of medical leave). His family made up for that missed spring break trip by taking it later in the year. Additionally, his family traveled to Puerto Rico the following spring break and to Washington D.C in August of 2022. Because of the support for the Golden Halo by friends, family and many others, it made it possible for Chad to not just survive longer but THRIVE in his brain cancer journey.